Friday, 29 June 2007

Slightly tired...

Well, what a week. Im so tired now I'm afraid this is only going to be a quick one!

But to summarise, the technical manager has been on board this week, so been pretty busy but gone well enough I think. There was some talk of work for next season so that's a good sign I guess. It was one of the guys birthday this week which resulted in having 2 late night parties. In fact on Tuesday and Wednesday night I didn't get to bed 'til around 6am. I didn't get a good nights sleep last night so I am really feeling the effects now!! I've a few chores to do now I'm in town but then its going to be bed for as long as I can get away with. Last nights show was pretty bad for a whole host of reasons and it felt like I'd managed to persude my boss why not to employ me again in one hour, but he just seemed to laugh when I made a mistake and joked about it afterwards so seems I got away with it!

No other news I can think of at the moment although my brain is working at half power. Not sure when I'll next be online but I'll try and get some party pics on! Oh yeh, the new DJ is joining us today, so fingers crossed she is ok!

Speak soon.

1 comment:

Johnny said...

..finally put you on my blogroll, J-M!